if my love were an animal, it would probably be a bird...
i need a refresh button.
'why am i here? why does it feel like i need this pain? is it because i love? is it because this is the closest thing i have to feeling? is it because i'm selfish? is it because it makes me feel better about everything?'
'you need pain because it's never-ending. you need pain because it doesn't involve the rest of the world. you need pain because you can create and re-create it time and time again in your heart. you need pain because love scares you. you always run away from love, because somewhere in your heart you are afraid that love fades away in time.'
'i don't believe that love fades away. true love never fades away.'
'true. but you can't live without change. and love brings stability. love brings peace.'
'i like peace.'
'yes... you like peace. the way you like the subway. it takes you places, but you still prefer a car.'
'that's not fair. this is stupid, it's all stupid. why would i run away from love?'
'because you're such a dreamer. because you believe that true love brings along perfection.'
'and it does.'
'you believe true love turns this whole world into a better place.'
'and it does.'
'... you believe that true love makes routine go away. you believe that true love creates never-ending special moments.'
'but... it does.'
'honey, this world kills romance. no matter how much love you spread around. i know how you feel, and your view is beautiful. but this is the real world. and there's this part of you that realizes the actual truth. it's that part that makes you run away when things get too close to finally being perfect.'
'nonsense. why would it do that?'
'because the thought that this world might actually crush that view of yours scares you so bad that you can't control yourself. you go into this coma state and that cynical part of yours takes over and puts an end to anything that could possibly take you so high, just to make sure that there's no possible way for you to fall from there.'
'am i that fucked?'
'i wish i could say differently... but i'm afraid i can't.'
'so what, it's like pain is my only way?'
'maybe one day... maybe the day when things will be so right that the cynical part won't be able to take over anymore...'
maybe i need pain... maybe it's because i love too much, or think too much, or talk too much. maybe this all just bullshit, maybe i'm just stupid.
maybe 'without pain, no one would appreciate the good moments in life.'...
maybe i believe that i have to feel all this pain. maybe i feel like i need to make things right, and this is the only way i found.
maybe i'm selfish, and i need to be different.
maybe i need redemption.
maybe... maybe, somehow, everything makes perfect sense.
'you need pain because it's never-ending. you need pain because it doesn't involve the rest of the world. you need pain because you can create and re-create it time and time again in your heart. you need pain because love scares you. you always run away from love, because somewhere in your heart you are afraid that love fades away in time.'
'i don't believe that love fades away. true love never fades away.'
'true. but you can't live without change. and love brings stability. love brings peace.'
'i like peace.'
'yes... you like peace. the way you like the subway. it takes you places, but you still prefer a car.'
'that's not fair. this is stupid, it's all stupid. why would i run away from love?'
'because you're such a dreamer. because you believe that true love brings along perfection.'
'and it does.'
'you believe true love turns this whole world into a better place.'
'and it does.'
'... you believe that true love makes routine go away. you believe that true love creates never-ending special moments.'
'but... it does.'
'honey, this world kills romance. no matter how much love you spread around. i know how you feel, and your view is beautiful. but this is the real world. and there's this part of you that realizes the actual truth. it's that part that makes you run away when things get too close to finally being perfect.'
'nonsense. why would it do that?'
'because the thought that this world might actually crush that view of yours scares you so bad that you can't control yourself. you go into this coma state and that cynical part of yours takes over and puts an end to anything that could possibly take you so high, just to make sure that there's no possible way for you to fall from there.'
'am i that fucked?'
'i wish i could say differently... but i'm afraid i can't.'
'so what, it's like pain is my only way?'
'maybe one day... maybe the day when things will be so right that the cynical part won't be able to take over anymore...'
maybe i need pain... maybe it's because i love too much, or think too much, or talk too much. maybe this all just bullshit, maybe i'm just stupid.
maybe 'without pain, no one would appreciate the good moments in life.'...
maybe i believe that i have to feel all this pain. maybe i feel like i need to make things right, and this is the only way i found.
maybe i'm selfish, and i need to be different.
maybe i need redemption.
maybe... maybe, somehow, everything makes perfect sense.
microscopie la rece.
'uhh, iar m-am pierdut printre randuri.'
'ce vrei de fapt?'
'cum adica? vroiam doar sa port o conversatie aberata.'
'nu, adica ce vrei cu adevarat. tu, cu toata fiinta ta. ce iti doresti ?'
'paaaai... sa ma mut la new york, sa ...'
'nu. ce iti doresti mai presus de orice.'
'sa fiu fericita?'
'lasa asta, asta ne dorim toti. dar unii gasesc fericirea in a colectiona timbre. deci, fericirea ta pe unde zace? ce iti doresti dincolo de tot universul asta?'
'am obosit sa fiu cinica... asa ca am sa iti raspund. si am sa fiu sincera. cu mine macar. vreau iubire. iubire in cea mai pura forma, iubire absoluta, iubire nemarginita, iubire care te face sa intelegi toate tainele sufletului si ale nemuririi, iubire care te transforma, care te omoara si te invie, iubire care nu te lasa sa nu zambesti clipa de clipa. iubire care te face sa iti dai seama ca nu mai ai nevoie de cuvinte frumoase ca sa o exprimi, pentru ca simpla ei prezenta iti indulceste fiecare cuvant, fara efort. iubire cameleonica, iubire care nu te lasa niciodata sa cazi in abisul monotoniei. iubire impartasita, iubire incontrolabila, iubire ideala. si oricat de pompos suna totul, iubirea despre care vorbesc este cea mai simpla forma a iubirii. este iubirea pe care o gasesti printr-un simplu zambet al persoanei potrivite. este iubirea care se instaleaza in inima ta intr-o fractiune de secunda si ramane acolo pentru o eternitate, indiferent de orice alte circumstante.'
'si crezi ca o astfel de iubire exista?'
'nu cred. stiu.'
'atunci ce?'
'ce mai faci aici, in varful patului, infasurata intr-un halat de baie, cu fereastra deschisa, ascultand trilurile pasarilor si ale masinilor, scriind toate lucrurile astea?'
'mi-e frica.'
'de ce ti-e frica? nu spuneai tu ca iubirea asta a ta face totul universul sa se transforme in ceva ideal?'
'ba da. doar ca... nu stiu sigur... nu stiu. nu inteleg. daca stiu ce vreau, de ce sunt inca aici? de ce imi pierd viata invartindu-ma intr-un cerc vicios lamentabil? de ce ... de ce iubirea suprema care constituie in ochii mei cel mai important lucru din toate cate exista nu ma tine acolo unde stiu ca vreau sa fiu? de ce... de ce fac tot ceea ce fac? de ce se intampla totul asa? de ce... de ce nici macar eu nu ma mai inteleg?'
'poate ca inca nu trebuie sa te intelegi. poate ca inca nu e momentul ca iubirea ta eterna sa infloreasca. poate ca tot universul tau e precum un puzzle superb - care nu transmite nici un adevar suprem sau vreun sentiment ideal pana in momentul in care nu cad toate piesele in locul in care trebuie sa sfarseasca. poate ca tocmai faptul ca iti doresti atat de mult ceva ce stii ca exista te impiedica din a te grabi. poate ca farama de suflet care te implora sa ai rabdare, de dragul tau, de dragul de a vedea totul devenind realitate intr-un mod perfect, are dreptate. poate ca toate cuvintele astea in care ai descris ceea ce iti doresti sunt atat de stangace tocmai pentru ca inca nu a sosit momentul in care sa asimilezi si sa accepti dragostea asta nemarginita care te chinuie. poate ca inca nu e cazul. si stiu ca ai atatea contraargumente si intrebari pentru tot ceea ce am spus, dar nu intreba nimic. stii ca am dreptate.'
'poate ca ar trebui sa fac si eu o calatorie pana la mecca.'
'ai luat-o razna?'
'nu. era o figura de stil. toti avem in sufletul nostru o calatorie spirituala ce trebuie transpusa in realitate. am folosit mecca drept destinatie pentru ca am simtit nevoia sa trag putin lucrurile inspre un fundament real.'
'cine sa te mai inteleaga?'
'nu cred ca e prea mare lucru de inteles in momentul asta. tot ce pot sa fac e sa astept, sa sper, sa nu ma leg de lucruri fizice, sa renunt la atasamente, si sa cred. cu toata fiinta.'
'si sa iti amintesti ceea ce gandesti acum si data viitoare cand o sa iti vina sa te dai cu fundul de pamant si sa plangi pana iti ies ochi din orbite.'
'no promises. people make moments.' (thanks, nova.)
whatever will be, will be.
'cause i can't promise you anything more than my love.
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