......OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Special (for B.)

B.: Yeah, but with all these resemblances, she's still not you.
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
B.: You're special.
Me: Oh... Thanks. *smiles*
What does 'special' mean? Is it some kind of a label you earn because of something you do or say? Is it a label someone sticks on you out of affection or love? Is it something you're born with? Is it something you just are? Is it some kind of a warmth that people feel when they're around you? Is it some kind of a 'I am nice to people' label? Or, on the contrary, is it some label people stick on your face when you act all weird and genius-like and like a totally misunderstood artist? Is it something you choose to be? Or is it something you can't get rid of? Is it some kind of spell you put on some certain people in your life? Do people find you special from the first moment they see you? Or do they start feeling you're special once they get to know you? And if so, how well do they have to get to know you in order to decide that you're special? Does this vary from person to person? And after all, aren't we all special at a certain point? And one more thing: can you stop being special? Yes? Well, how do you do that? And if not, why not? Every good thing has its ending. Or... is being special a bad thing? Some kind of an unwanted label?
What does being special mean?
Blah, this was more of a... 'how many questions can you ask starting from a single word' thing. And aparently there are lost of questions to be asked. I won't deny it, some of these questions are really worthy of an answer, from where I'm standing. Some of them hit me on a daily basis. But some of them are there just to fill in the blanks in my head right now.
I guess I just realised that having someone to tell you that you're special really does make you feel that way. And it makes you feel warm inside. And outside.
Today I learnt that being special actually means a lot. Before tonigh I always used to say that we are all special. And I still believe that. It's just that being special simply is a special, comforting, warming thing, regardless of the fact that we are all special. 'Cause you know what? We might all be special, but each and every one of us is special in its own way. And that's what makes us unique.
Listening to: Katy Rose - Overdrive
Reading: Love The One You're With
Watching: Desperate Housewives Season 1, Episode 9
Playing: With my snow globe. (I am not sure how that's actually called.)
They all come here to find a scene
But end up girls on methadrine
Naked on a TV screen
The dreams that fall beneath my feet
Make my footsteps feel so sweet
But your kisses are my fait accompli.
(Katy Rose - Overdrive)
*Click to download song.


Anonymous said...

baga-ma la ppl u read :-w

Anonymous said...

He ALWAYS says that "special" thing to his girlfriends and they fall for it. Yet as you can see I am the only one that holds a tiny piece of his heart that NO ONE else ever will be able to even take a look at. Now you know. And it does serve you right. :)

Sara T. said...

You have no idea what i'm talking about, do you?
Firstly, this blog was dedicated to a dear friend of mine called Bogdan.
And secondly, I don't get your constant urge to prove me something. :) Do you have self-confidence issues?

Anonymous said...

My apologies :) try not to take anything I wrote there too seriously.
However, as far as I remember I certainly do have those issues.

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