......OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets


I just realized that I wake up every morning, naked of any prejudices or certain thoughts. And I put on some random clothes and I get out in the street empty, waiting for someone, something to give a meaning to my day. I get out the door with no other thought than to seek something that affects me. To make my heart race with emotion (and no, I am not talking love in here), my mind jump around, popping thousands of words and ideas all over the place. I do my best on remaining open-minded and open-hearted all day long, just maybe something will get to me. And sometimes something does get to me. Just like yesterday. And sometimes that something makes me write. Just like yesterday. But sometimes there's nothing that touches me the whole day. Or even if it does, I simply can't put it on paper. And I go to bed just as empty as I woke up. And no one ever writes about those moments. No writer in the world. I don't write about my moments when I can't write. But considering the fact that I can't write, that's pretty logical and excusable. I mean, it's not like I refuse to, right?
But... If I don't write, then who does?...
Absolutely no one. And that's a fact. And that's sad. Because 9 out of 10 days, I can't write.
I just hope that's gonna change...
Today I learnt something new about writing. Writing is so different from most things in this life. Except for love, maybe. Why? Because 9 out 10 times, writing comes to you, not the other way around. And I know that because all those 9 other times, I try so hard to run after words and stories and articles and nice expressions. And it's always pointless.
Listening to: Better Than Ezra - Our Last Night
Reading: Love The One You're With
Watching: Gay Stand-Up Comedy
Playing: Tic Tac Toe with my PC
I remember waking up with you.
The days doing nothing,
You meant more to me then
Than I think you ever knew.
But you were going to be a doctor,
A movie star, a poet at a Nobel seminar,
I hope the world never tore that out of you.
(Better Than Ezra - Our Last Night)
*Click to download song.


Dada Jones said...

Dunno if it helps, but you have someone who believes in the potential of your greatness. maybe someday you'll prove that certain someone right. *smiles*

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