......OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets


Quiet mornings. Those mornings when you just wake up and you don't even want to move. Not because you're tired (even though you kind of are) and you want to go back to sleep. Not because you feel sick (even though your stomach hurts for no reason). Not because you're paralyzed in any way (but yes, this emptiness feels pretty paralyzing, if you put it that way). You just wake up and you feel blank and all you can do is sit there in bed with freezing toes, facing the ceiling, staring at nothing in particular. And it's not even one of those moments when you get lost in your own thoughts (ahh that would at least be something). No sir. You just lay still and blank. No particular thought, or need, or desire. Nothing. Just you, as blank as a fresh piece of paper.
And as you sit there, counting the seconds - 'cause it didn't take you long to get to the point where you realized that counting the seconds is all that you can do, you start feeling more and more annoyed by the stillness and emptiness of it all.
Good morning, Monday. I'm as blank as I'll ever be. I have no idea what I want or need. I just... exist. Breathe. Waste time and space. And right now, on a rather cloudy Monday morning, this is all I have to offer to the world.


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